Pastor Scott after completing a Master of Divinity in 2000 from Waterloo Lutheran Seminary was ordained that same year. He served parishes in Ontario and Nova Scotia, including St. James, Renfrew. Pastor Scott was born and raised in Kitchener, Ontario. Currently his children, Joel and Grace, live there with their mother and both are students at Wilfrid Laurier University.
Prior to becoming clergy, Pastor Scott studied at Conestoga College in Kitchener, completing a Business Administration Diploma and worked in business for a few years.
Pastor Scott has a desire to explore new expressions of ministry and hopes to move the church in a vibrant, creative way. Of course, worship will be a key component of his focus as will working with young people.
One of Pastor Scott's greatest assets is his wife, Pastor Sue Nevile. They first met in seminary but did not re-connect until many years later eventually marrying in 2018. Pastor Sue brings with her many varied gifts that Zion will benefit greatly from.
Pastor Scott is very approachable and wants to get to know all of you. If you receive a phone call during this pandemic, do not be surprised, as he plans to get in touch with us all.
Pastor Sue has a great love of summer camp and working with kids. As a pastors kid she moved around Canada living in Montreal, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Niagara Falls, Pickering, attending university at Carleton and doing grad school at Waterloo Lutheran Seminary (Now called Martin Luther Seminary). You are likely to bump into her at thrift stores and garage sales as she loves getting a "deal." Ordained in 2001, this is the third parish Pastor Sue has served.
This is our organist/pianist Blaine Sack with nephew Lucas and niece Haley Godin.
Originally from Pembroke, Blaine’s journey as a church organist began at the age of 15. He received his first organ lessons at Zion, obtained his Grade 10 piano from the Royal Conservatory of Music and received his B. Sc. in Microbiology from the University of Guelph.
Over his 25 years as a church musician, Blaine has served parishes throughout Ontario, has worked with a variety of musicians, choirs and theatre groups, and has been guest organist at recitals and other community concerts.
In 2017, career opportunities brought Blaine, his husband Robbie and their two dogs back to the Ottawa Valley. In addition to his duties at Zion, Blaine is also a member of the Summer Institute of Church Music and the Royal Canadian College of Organists. He also enjoys teaching piano, exercise and camping.
As a child of Zion, Blaine is honoured to be sharing his music with others, at his home church, where it all began.