This is Susan Dupuis, chair of Zion's Church Council. During the pandemic lockdown, she has been busy working on her computer, reading, doing puzzles, and house cleaning. Susan was re-elected as Chair of Church Council for 2020-2021.
This is Ellen Vandersleen, completed her term on council for 2020-2021. She is now on Music and Worship and Chair of the Social Ministry Commitee. Ellen's first love is gardening - pictured here holding two kittens who are being bottle fed. Gerry told me he found them in the barn...unfortunately they are spoken for!
Ellen Vandersleen, has been busy baking. She is camera shy too, as she didn't show a picture of herself...
While Gerry has been busy painting, wife Ellen has been busy starting plants and getting things ready for her garden.
This is Gerry Vandersleen. He is treasurer of Zion Lutheran Church. He and wife, Ellen have been busy doing renovations in their home. (2019-2020) Here, Gerry, is up on his ladder painting the ceiling.
This is Jean Rutz, our church secretary. During the pandemic, she has been busy sewing handy organizers for her sewing room, checking phone and email messages at the church, and stained glass. She has also begun a texting trivia game with the contacts on her phone. (2019-2020) For 2020-2021, Jean has been back in the office on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 am to 12 noon.